September - November 2024
What do you dream of?
The Lord spoke this to my heart..
The question took me by surprise a little, but the first thought that ran across my mind was “Lord, I just want to see your glory fill the earth as the waters fill the seas." The deeper my biblical world view becomes, the more I long for Christ to be known.
“Missions exist because worship doesn’t” - John Piper
I’m reminded of this quote often, especially as we look at the current state of the world. The answer to every question is Him, to truly know Him and lay your life down for Him.
We have the dream “job”. We have learned and grown soooo much in the past year of being full time missionaires. Although it is full of uncertainty in many ways, it’s the most secure we’ve ever been; in our identity, fully trusting him in our finances, relationships, family, and our community. He’s the best leader and sustainer.
It seems like everyone we chat with recently is going through some kind of trial, a sifting or shifting, grief, or broken-heartedness. I’m reminded of the verse in John 16:33 where Jesus is talking to his disciples; he says, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” It’s so easy to fix our eyes on our circumstances or the swirl that is happening around us. However, Jesus is for us, not against us! He really is wonderful! My prayer is that despite the situation, we would never lose the wonder of who he is to us and the price he paid so that we could be with him.
Now more than ever, we need to be the hands and feet of Christ, working together as one body!
Over the last few weeks!
We moved, I know a lot of you were praying over this, so thank you. We are staying in another short term rental that is fully furnished. Optimistic view: we’ve got to live in several really cool places! The realist in me: ….moving is tiresome, since we’ve been to FL we have moved 4 times. We joke and just say its an occupational hazard at this point.
We moved.. again ..
Brandon turned 33
Jace turned 11
I helped with our MPD seminar, that was a lot of fun!
We are making plans to come to Texas spring of 2025! We will share more when we have the dates solidified!
Whats happening around the world!
This couple has undergone discipleship with our team and went through intense study for many months to become equipped in leadership and evangelism while curating a firm new creation identity. Upon graduation, they returned to their village and rekindled services in a church that had been abandoned. They began systems of discipleship as well as started to host revival meetings, Bible studies and kids ministry. They are single handedly transforming their region!
In Overland Missions, we dream of a day where we are no longer needed in a nation because the local people are carrying the banner of revival over own their land. As we aim to establish 1,000 missionaries on the ground by 2030, we aim to send even more fiery laborers back to the harvest field of their own families.
“We met a young mother in a park. Unknown to us, she was crying before we got there. She was a single mom, looking for a job. She thought God was just someone she went to for prayer only, but by the end of the conversation, she realized He was more than that. He is the God who sees her. In fact, He saw her before we did. She herself realized this and said, “God has brought you to me.”